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Re: Can you help me?

 Perhaps you should generate source annotated assembler and parse & patch that ? You have the original program handy, so you only need some extra info, and a perl script later you should be done.

 / Lars Segerlund.

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 14:49:23 +0800
"wyj-me" <> wrote:

> Dear friend,
> 	First of all, thank you for reading my letter.
> 	I am a student.When I do researches about the buffer overflow, I meet a question and want to get your help.Please permit me to illustrate it with the following example:
> 	First, provided we have such a simple program named as test001.c.
> -------------------------------
> int main()
> {
> 	char buf[10];
> 	int  i;
>     i=0;
> 	return 1;
> }
> -------------------------------
> 	If we compile the program with the command: gcc -S test001.s test001.c, show the content of the test001.s, we can get the following:
> -------------------------------
> 	.file	'test001.c'
> 	.text
> .globl	main
> 	.type main,@function
> main:
> 	pushl	%ebp
> 	movl	%esp,%ebp
> 	subl	$40,%esp
> 	andl	$-16,%esp
> 	movl	$0,%eax
> 	subl	%eax,%esp
> 	movl	$0,-28(%ebp)
> 	movl	$1,%eax
> 	leave
> 	ret
> .Lfel:
> 	.size main,.Lfel-main
> 	.ident	'GCC(GNU)3.2.2 20030222(Red Hat Linux(3.2.2-5)'
> --------------------------------
> 	From the above, we can know that the instruction 'subl $40,%esp' is used to allocate the space for the buf[] and i. My trouble is that I don't know in which function the 'subl $40,%esp' is introduced. Now I want to add some instructions before 
> the 'subl $40,%esp' to set some flags to indicate the end of the string. I hope you can tell me which sourcecode file I should look through among so many sourcecode files with the gcc tool.
> 	Thanks again.
> 	Look forward to your answer.
> Sincerely,
> 																			Yejun Wang
> ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡wyj-me
> ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
> ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡2005-04-15

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