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gcc & assembly coding conventions ??
- From: "garret.spears" <garret dot spears at comcast dot net>
- To: <gcc-help at gcc dot gnu dot org>
- Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 13:07:25 -0700
- Subject: gcc & assembly coding conventions ??
Sorry to bother you with the following. I have looked thru the gcc & gas
manuals and I am coming up without any answers.
I haven't done this for many years, many years. I am trying to write
assembly code for a coldfire processor. Essentially when I did this years
ago I dedicated a section to defines or equates, a section to data space,
and a section to code - assembly language.
I may be confused on naming or identifying these sections now.
I am creating a file called foo.S and placing my sections into it. So far I
get errors saying the line "mbar equ 0x10000000" is not an instruction.
Is there a place that I should be going that will lead me thru the correct
structure and declarations that I need to use?
Thanks for your patience & help,
gcc-2.95.3 -m5200 -x assembler led.S
Led.S consists of the following first 20-30 lines
#DEFINE INIT_SECTION_ASM_OP // is this a requird line or should ther be
// Base addr of internal resources & SIM resources
MBAR EQU 0x10000000 // alt I have seen ".set
MBAR=0x10000000" but the manual shows an EQU syntax
// Exception base addr to vector table
VBR EQU 0x00000000
// Starting location of internal RAM & types of access
RAMBAR EQU 0x30000000
//DRAM base address & permissions, $00000000
DRAM0 EQU $0000
// System integration Module config register
SIMR EQU MBAR+$0003 // same problem here because MBAR
is undefined
// Pin assignment register
Should I be using a dot h file for some of this and a dot s file for my
actual assembly coding?