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Re: Resume Update : Aug 22, 2003

Dear Robert,

Congratulations on graduating from St Lawrence College.

We would love to have you donate your uncompensated time in pursuit of the all-volunteer efforts of open source and free software.

The organization is a loose confederation of interested programmers who willingly offer their services, just as you have, as a labor of love and altruism.  I know of no other organization that has put forth such unselfish ideals.  Even the all-volunteer, 0% administrative overhead Roman Catholic secular organization Knights of Columbus fall short of our altruistic endeavor.

Welcome aboard!

You can start any time.  You can pursue anything that interests you.  The only things you need are self-motivation, able to work unsupervised (or self-supervised), and a desire to spread the fruit of your labors as GPL or LGPL to the world at large.  (There are other licenses in that same spirit as well, such as IBM Eclipse's CPL... but that's a different organization.)


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