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Template specialisation

The following example seems to instance the templated function incorrectly:

class test
 float operator[]( int index )
  return testFloat[index];
 float testFloat[3];

template < class typeA > float
 typeA a,
 float b
 return a[0] * b;

template < class typeB > float
 float a,
 typeB b
 return a * b[0];

template < class typeA, class typeB > float
 typeA a,
 typeB b
 return a[0] * b[0];

int main( void )
 test aTest;
 float bTest;
 float result;

 result = aTest * bTest;
 result = bTest * aTest;

 return 0;

with the errors:

test.cpp:31: `float operator*(float, typeB) [with typeB = float]' must have
an argument of class or enumerated type
test.cpp:22: `float operator*(typeA, float) [with typeA = float]' must have
an argument of class or enumerated type

Surely if the operation is float * class the the more specialised template
is the float, typeB version, not the typeA, float version?

Am I doing something stupid, as I though gcc support partial template

Thanks for any help,
Nick Newson.

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