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gcc 3.3 compilation problems


I have a problem in building gcc-3.3 from sources.
I downloaded source from (gcc-3.3 and glibc 2.3.1, because it
was said that gcc-3.3 depended on glibc, and vice-versa).
Because of this loop in dependencies, I wanted to build bootstrap (or core)
gcc-3.3 to have a compiler to build glibc 2.3.1, and in the last step
compile the final gcc-3.3 using the new glibc 2.3.1. The first step went OK.
Next I compiled glibc 2.3.1 with the bootstrap gcc I had created in the
first step.
So now I have:

1. bootstrap (core) gcc-3.3 in $HOME/gcc-3.3-core
2. glibc 2.3.1 in $HOME/glibc-2.3.1

And now I am stuck. I do not know how to compile the final gcc-3.3 (to
$HOME/gcc-3.3, for example) in the context of $HOME/glibc-2.3.1. I tried
this many times, and always I had two cases: either my final gcc did not
compile because of errors or it compiled but wasn't able to create
executables (if I tried to compile any package from source using my new gcc,
the configure script returned an error: "checking whether C compiler (gcc  )
works... no; compiler cannot create executables").
What do I make wrong? And where?

Having gcc-3.3 core ($HOME/gcc-3.3-core) and glibc 2.3.1 ($HOME/glibc-2.3.1)
I would like to compile the final gcc-3.3 (c,c++).
How can I do it?
I do not want to create any cross compiler. I want to have native fully
functional gcc-3.3 compiler (c,c++) for my machine (Debian 3.0, kernel
2.4.20). And that's all. Does any one can help me, please? I would be very

Tomasz Grzelak

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