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Re: Does gcc accept unions?

At 19.18 20/02/2002 (GMT +0100), Hihn Jason wrote:
>I have the following simple union:
>typedef union
>  int    i;      // integer
>  char  *str;    // string
>  void  *p;      // pointer to whatever
>  float *pf;     // pointer to a  float
>  int   *pi;     // pointer to an integer
>} ARG;
>which looks legal to me (and other compilers compile it)
>but I get on the "} ARG;" line:
>parse error before `}'
>warning: data definition has no type or storage class

I've tried your code, compiling with gcc and g++, with either 2.96 or 3.0.2.
Even using -W -Wall, I get no warning at all.

Maybe the problem is in some statement coming BEFORE your declaration ?


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