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Re: Symbol referencing error

I'm confused.....

*pToUpperC is decalred in a header file as:

char *pToUpperC()

and hence looks like a function. But the function body has not been defined
either in the syb2pv.h or syb2pv.c files.

I changed the above to:

char *pToUpperC(char *)

since pNote is declared as:

char *pNote

I also, declared *pToUpperC in my syb2pv.c file, but still get the error

Was this what  I was meant to do?



At 15.24 06/02/2002 (GMT +0000), wrote:
>I have the following in my code:
>char *pToUpperC()
>and also...
>fprintf(stream,",%s", pToUpperC(pNote));

It seems strange to be a GCC related problem.
Are those in the same file (with the funcion before the fprintf) ?
If not, you should use them like this:

***** Solution A) All in one file:

// main.c

char *pToUpperC(char *argument) {       // this defines the function


fprintf(stream,",%s", pToUpperC(pNote));        // this uses it

// end of main.c

***** Solution B) All in one file, with forward declaration

// main.c

char *pToUpperC(char *argument);        // this declares the function


fprintf(stream,",%s", pToUpperC(pNote));        // this uses it


char *pToUpperC(char *argument) {       // this defines it

// end of main.c

***** Solution C) Two different files

// file pToUpper.h
#ifndef pToUpper_h
#define pToUpper_h

char *pToUpperC(char *argument);        // this declares the function

#endif // pToUpper_h
// end of file pToUpper.h

// file pToUpper.c
char *pToUpperC(char *argument) {       // this defines the function
// end of file pToUpper.c

// main.c (where you call pToUpper() from)
#include "pToUpper.h"

fprintf(stream,",%s", pToUpperC(pNote));        // this uses the function

// end of main.c

In cases A & B, compile with

gcc main.c -o main

In case C with

gcc main.c pToUpper.c -o main

If all this sound silly, I'm sorry, but I couldn't think of anything else.


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