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Re: help :: cant run due to libstdc++

I am not sure about Solaris but I would have thought there must be
some environment variable pointing to where your lib is. 
You could try 

env | more

to see if anything looks like what you are looking for and see
if it is set correctly.

Umapathy S wrote:
> hi all
>     A trivial error but dont know how to solve it
>     I am trying to use gcc/g++ to compile a helloworld C++ program
>     Here is the program
>     Problem :
>     //hello.C prints "hello, world" to stdout
>     #include <iostream>
>     using namespace std;
>     int main(int argc, char *argv[])    {
>         char str[]="hello, world";
>         cout << str << endl;
>         return 0;
>     } //end of main
>     The make file for the program is as follows
>     #makefile to compile hello.C program
>     CC=/usr/local/bin/g++
>     all:hello.o
>         ${CC} -ohello hello.o
>     hello.o:hello.C
>         ${CC} -c hello.C
>     clean:
>         rm -f hello.o hello
>     The compilation part is done well, but when I try to execute hello the
> following error occurs
> fatal: open failed: No such file or
> directory
>     Killed
>     Platform :
>         using gnu gcc  2.95.2 19991024 (release) on Solaris  2.6
>     Reasons :
>         I checked out, it is in
> /usr/local/lib/
>         I am not using linking options like -nodefaultlibs and -nostdlib
>     Thanks in advance for any help
> cheers
> Umapathy S

Anthony Lee	
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