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Re: G77 problem and help needed


On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Toon Moene wrote:

> Martin Gruenewald wrote:
> > So, my question: would it be possible to have this fixed soon, ie, for
> > GCC3.0? Or what is your timescale?
> Well, to tell you the truth: I'd hoped that everyone who complained
> about this shortcoming had stopped using g77 ;-)
> It's pretty low on my list, because:
> 1. Only few people run into this limitation.
> 2. It's a horrible piece of the Fortran Frontend to touch, let alone
>    repair.
> 3. It doesn't silently generate wrong code (which is my definition of
>    an urgent bug).

That's a real pity. Wouldn't it be possible to make the F77 Frontend
just a tiny little bit more horrible, by putting in another if
statement, to make it work?  Something like:

If (compiling_a_block-data) then
  call very_basic_block_data_code_generation
  call original_fancy_code_generation

One design goal is surely to compile all legal code...

Best regards



Martin W. Gruenewald                   Humboldt University Berlin (HUB)

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