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Re: G77 problem and help needed


On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Toon Moene wrote:

> Apparently, the BLOCK DATA file is generated automatically:
> Would it be possible to have the program in_file2blkd generate an input
> file so that
>       Parameter (LenWTMXSMP1=1739)
>       Character*2354 WTMXSMP1_LN(LenWTMXSMP1)
>       READ(unit,'(A)') WTMXSMP1_LN
> would be sufficient to initialise the array WTMXSMP1_LN ?

There was such an input file in the beginning. Because of some
technical production reasons, the issue is that the program is
supposed to run WITHOUT accessing an external data initialisation
file. Thus, a script was used which transforms the content of that
external data file into a BLOCKDATA routine, this way avoiding the
external file, and having all that is needed to run inside the
executable module.

So, my question: would it be possible to have this fixed soon, ie, for
GCC3.0? Or what is your timescale?

Best regards



Martin W. Gruenewald                   Humboldt University Berlin (HUB)

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