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RE: Help me

-----Original Message-----
From: Pietro []
Sent: 13 February 2001 17:41

>Hello ML

  Hello Pietro

>I have the program for scan ports, in the which there is :


>With gcc -g -oprova prova.c   is ok! 
>No error.
>When run the program (prova) in the gdb, subsequently line
> if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin))==0)
>write the command print connect.
>The result is :
>$1 = {< text variable, no debug info >} 0x400c9ca0 <__libc_connect>
>Why ?
>The result of connect no egual -1 (error connecting) or 0 
>(connecting ok) ?

  This question would belong even better on the "All Binary Use Sockets
Exchange" mailing list instead, so why not send your question to the 
address ?  I'm sure they'll give you a good answer.

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                    deal with it.                      - 

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