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Re: Bootstrap failure: objdir=srcdir, FreeBSD make

Alexandre Oliva wrote:

> Chip Olson has just reported the same problem with objdir != srcdir.
> What strikes me as odd is that fixinc is only supposed to build in
> stage1, when CC is still the bootstrap compiler.  I don't get this
> error on various versions of FreeBSD, but I'm using GNU make on all of
> them.  Are you?

Bingo! I was using FreeBSD make. With GNU make, it all compiled perfectly. 

Thank you *so* much for all of your help! It's people like you who truly
exemplify the ideals of the Open Source movement. 

-Chip Olson. | ceo at shore dot net
"You ask me why we celebrate, when nothing has been won;
 We take dark hours, we make them great, that's all we've ever done..."
                            -Oysterband, "This Is The Voice".

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