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Problem building GCC with AIX
- To: gcc-help <gcc-help at gcc dot gnu dot org>
- Subject: Problem building GCC with AIX
- From: Maxime Heinisch <maxime dot heinisch at creditlyonnais dot fr>
- Date: 02 Feb 2001 10:26:48 +0100
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Good morning,
When I'm trying to build GCC V.2.95.1, the make process exits and displays the
following message:
c-2.95.1/gcc/config -I../../gcc-2.95.1/gcc/../include
cc -DIN_GCC -DHAIFA -O2 -g -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -Wl,-bbigtoc -o
genattr genattr.o rtl.o bitmap.o print-rtl.o ` case "obstack.o" in ?*) echo
obstack.o ;; esac ` ` case "alloca.o" in ?*) echo alloca.o ;; esac ` ` case ""
in ?*) echo ;; esac ` ` case "" in ?*) echo ;; esac ` ` case "" in ?*)
echo ;; esac ` -lld
ld: 0711-317 ERREUR: Symbole non défini: .alloca (Non defined symbol)
ld: 0711-345 Pour plus de détails, utilisez l'option -bloadmap ou -bnoquiet.
(for more details, use option -bloadmap or -bnoquiet)
make: 1254-004 Code d'erreur de la dernière commande: 8. (last command error
Arrêt. (Stop)
make: 1254-004 Code d'erreur de la dernière commande: 2.
Arrêt. (Stop)
make: 1254-004 Code d'erreur de la dernière commande: 2.
Have you heard about this building problem before ?
My configuration is: AIX 4.2.1, C for AIX 4.4
Thanks a lot for any help you could provide.
Best Regards.
Maxime Heinisch
AIX administrator
Electronic Banking
Credit Lyonnais France
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