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Re: Aliasing problem? gcc-3.3 miscompiles mozilla-1.4


I have been playing with the test case and I think we could simply this.

Here is a new main code in question:

main(int argc, char** argv)

   // array container set up to hold parent types of gfxIImageFrame
    nsSupportsArray aFrames;

   // create our instance of this class
   // note gfxIImageFrame is a pure virtual class
    nsCOMPtr<gfxIImageFrame> myframe;
    nsresult rv;
    myframe = do_CreateInstance(";2", &rv);
    fprintf(stderr,"create return value %x\n",rv); fflush(stderr);

    // now add our frame instance to the contianer 
    // (okay since holds our parent class)

    // now create a local copy of this frame
    nsCOMPtr<gfxIImageFrame> currentFrame;

    // use the template class trick to get the address of our local copy
    gfxIImageFrame** retval = getter_AddRefs(currentFrame);

   // now read from the container and copy it to the address from above
    nsISupports *_elem = aFrames.ElementAt(0);
    *retval = static_cast< gfxIImageFrame* >(_elem);

   // now invoke that instances SetMutable and get the instant segfault

    fprintf(stderr,"done\n"); fflush(stderr);
    return 0;

So it seems that the indirection passed in to get a copy of the frame
we stored in the container is not being recognized as being required
before currentFrame can be used again when compiled with no strict aliasing

The container array holds parents of our class and therefore can hold us 
without a cast and we should be able to cast down that same pointer to our 
specific object/type.

So I think the problem is in how the indirection is done in the getter_AddRefs 
here (see below)

I can't claim to undestand how these work.  But we can certainly create a 
simple container class for parents of another simple class and then use 
templates for redirection in a sample program and see if that shows us the 

Is it worth a try?


template <class T>
struct already_AddRefed
    already_AddRefed( T* aRawPtr )
        : mRawPtr(aRawPtr)


    T* get() const { return mRawPtr; }

    T* mRawPtr;

template <class T>
const already_AddRefed<T>
getter_AddRefs( T* aRawPtr )
    return already_AddRefed<T>(aRawPtr);

template <class T>
const already_AddRefed<T>
getter_AddRefs( const already_AddRefed<T> aAlreadyAddRefedPtr )
    return aAlreadyAddRefedPtr;

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