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Re: Patch to autoconf-2.53: Mention m4_pattern allow in "possibly undefined macro" error message

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam J Richter <> writes:

Adam> 	Developers use autoconf to save their valuable time, so please
Adam> apply the following patch that mentions m4_pattern_allow in the
Adam> message that autoconf prints out.  In general, I think you will
Adam> find that it will save time for both your users and you if you
Adam> include pointers to the most likely possible solutions in
Adam> warnings and error messages.

Thanks, that's a good idea.  Could you actually adjust your patch so
that it is printed only once, after all the tokens were reported?

Adam> 	Also, I still this should be a warning rather than a fatal
Adam> error, but I'm not quite clear on what change to make to effect
Adam> that.

This is on purpose.  The build (read `make') _must_ fail if we suspect
some bad token, such as AC_INITI.  Being picky at this stage saves you
from horrible bug hunting sessions afterwards.  But note that
configure is produced anyway.  If you know what you do, just proceed.
But we can't assume everybody knows what they do.

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