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Re: libgcj/5789: boehm-gc won't build on irix - irix assembler chokes on #indent

Billinghurst, David (CRTS) wrote:

>The Irix header files
>  /usr/include/sys/regdef.h
>  /usr/include/sgidefs.h
>  /usr/include/sys/asm.h
>contain #ident "$Revision: 3.52 $" lines.
>The gcc cpp passess these through to the .s file, and the irix
>assembler chokes on them. 
>Proper fix
>Don't know.  Perhaps:
>  - get gcc cpp to remove #ident lines
>  - fix headers

Best fix would be to write a fixincludes haxie to fix these headers. 
This probibly won't be hard, but it sounds like the path of least 
resistance will be to just rename it back to .s (since, afaik, there is 
no actual problem with having it called .s on irix, apart from the lack 
of consistency with the other files).



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