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Re: Bug compiling ORBACUS 3.1.1 on MkLinux

At 19:06 24.02.99 , John R. Cary wrote:
>Running MkLinux with linux-2.1.24 (per /usr/src) on PowerBook G3, but
>also have:
>   muse.cary$ uname -a
>   Linux 2.0.33-osfmach3 #1 Thu Jun 11 10:21:31 PDT
>1998 ppc unknown
>Binutils- installed.
>Using egcs-1.1.1.  It configured as powerpc-unknown-linux-gnulibc1
>I configured Orbacus 3.1.1 per
>  no shared libraries
>  no optimization
>  using CC=/usr/local/egcs1.1/bin/gcc
>The error:
>/usr/local/egcs1.1/bin/c++ -c -I. -I../include  --no-implicit-templates
>-Wall -Wno-return-type TestStub.cpp
>TestStub.cpp: In function `void TestStub(class TestInterface *)':
>TestStub.cpp:782: internal error--unrecognizable insn:
>(insn 18037 18034 18040 (set (reg:SI 27 r27)
>        (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 26 r26)
>                (const_int 65536)))) -1 (nil)
>    (nil))
>../../egcs-1.1.1/gcc/toplev.c:1360: Internal compiler error in function
>Line 782 is the last line of the file.

This is fixed in the upcoming egcs-1.1.2.


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