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Re: bug (9/26)


































# 1004 "/usr/include/sys/syscall.h" 3

# 478 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 2 3

# 1 "/usr/include/machine/frame.h" 1 3



typedef struct frame_marker {
	int	fm_edp;		 
	int	fm_esr4;	 
	int	fm_erp;		 
	int	fm_crp;		 
	int	fm_sl;		 
	int	fm_clup;	 
	int	fm_ep;		 
	int	fm_psp;		 
} frame_marker_t;






# 479 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 2 3


       struct siglocal_misc {
		int	sm_syscall;	 
		int	sm_onstack;	 
		int	sm_omask;	 
		char	sm_syscall_action;	 
		char	sm_eosys;
		unsigned short	sm_error;
		int	sm_rval1;
		int	sm_rval2;
		int	sm_arg[4 ];

       struct siglocal {
		struct siglocal_misc sl_misc;	 
		save_state_t sl_ss;		 

       struct siglocalx {
		struct siglocal_misc sl_misc;	 
		ucontext_t sl_uc;		 
		siginfo_t  sl_si;		 


	struct __xsi {
		struct __sub_ctxt sc; 		 
		int __padding;			 

		siginfo_t si;		 


       struct sigcontext {
		union {
			struct siglocal  sl;	
			struct siglocalx sx;
		} sc_ctxt;			 
		int	sc_args[4 ];	 
		struct frame_marker sc_sfm;






# 676 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 3

# 31 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 2 3

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/vmmac.h" 1 3















# 32 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 2 3

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/ucontext.h" 1 3

	extern int getcontext(ucontext_t *);
	extern int setcontext(const ucontext_t *);
	extern int swapcontext(ucontext_t *,const ucontext_t *);
	extern void makecontext(ucontext_t *, void (*)(), int, ...); 

# 34 "/usr/include/sys/user.h" 2 3




typedef enum __pofile_flags {
	UF_EXCLOSE = 0x1,	 
	UF_MAPPED = 0x2,	 
	UF_FDLOCK = 0x4,	 
	UF_INUSE  = 0x8		 
} pofile_flags_t;


extern	int maxfiles; 
extern  int maxfiles_lim;


typedef enum user_eosys {
	EOSYS_NOTSYSCALL      = 0,       
	EOSYS_NORMAL          = 1,       
	EOSYS_INTERRUPTED     = 2,       
	EOSYS_RESTART         = 3,       
	EOSYS_NORESTART       = 4,       
} user_eosys_t;

typedef enum user_sstep {
	ULINK   = 0x01f,                   
	USSTEP  = 0x020,                   
	UPCQM   = 0x040,                   
	UBL     = 0x080,                   
	UBE     = 0x100                    
} user_sstep_t;

typedef struct {
          long sigset[2 ];
} ksigset_t;


typedef struct user {
	struct	pcb u_pcb;
	struct	proc *u_procp;		 
	struct	kthread *u_kthreadp;	 
	save_state_t	*u_sstatep;	 
	save_state_t	*u_pfaultssp;  

	int     u_arg[10];               
	int	*u_ap;			 
	label_t	u_qsave;		 
	u_short u_spare_short;		 
	u_short u_error;                 

	union {				 
		struct	{
			int	R_val1;
			int	R_val2;
		} u_rv;


		off32_t	r_off32;

                off32_t r_off64[2];

		time_t	r_time;
	} u_r;
	user_eosys_t u_eosys;		 
	u_short	u_syscall;		 



	struct	audit_filename *u_audpath;	 
	struct	audit_string *u_audstr;	 
	struct	audit_sock *u_audsock;	 
	char	*u_audxparam;		 

	label_t u_ssave;		 
	tlabel_t u_psave;		 
	time_t	u_outime;		 

	ksigset_t u_sigonstack;		 
	ksigset_t u_oldmask;		 

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