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problem with integer kind

Dear all,
I have compiled the newer version of gcc (4.7.1), with the support for
c++ and fortran.
I have done a very simple test of the integer "double" precision
(although it's a bit incorrect saying double integer precision) and
the compiler refuses to compile!

The program is the following one:

PROGRAM kind_integer_test
?INTEGER, PARAMETER :: intprec=selected_int_kind(18)
?INTEGER(intprec) :: test_int

write(*,*) 'intprec=', intprec
! ?test write
write(*,*) 'test_int=', test_int
test_int = 9000000000
write(*,*) 'test_int=', test_int

The selected_int_kind(18) should ensure that the test_int variable is
large enough to contain an integer value of 10^18.
I have compiled it with
gfortran -o run.exe program.f90 ? -std=f95
and the result is :


test_int = 9000000000
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
Error: Integer too big for its kind at (1). This check can be disabled
with the option -fno-range-check

If I compile with the option -fno-range-check everything is ok, the
compiler should understand that the variable test_int is not a default
integer variable.
Could it be a bug of the the compiler?

Thanks to everyone,
Andrea Negri

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