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Re: MPI_Abort

On 07/13/2011 03:01 PM, Daniel Carrera wrote:
For example, I think it might be nice to try to free the coarrays before aborting.

Well, one could - but on the other hand, the operating system will clean up ;-)

The idea of a more graceful abort is to send all other images a message with an "error stop" tag, wait for a few seconds for them to close down. If it successes, write the error and call MPI_FINALIZE. If they didn't answer, pull the plug by calling MPI_ABORT.

In order to implement this scheme, one needs the message queue, which we do not yet have.

Hence, for the moment, I would stick to a simple MPI_abort.

If one wants to do a cleanup, one could free the memory (as in caf_finalize). That will miss those of allocatable arrays, but who cares - after all, one does an error abort. Additionally, the state of the program when doing an error abort might be not the best.


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