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Re: Segfault caused by derived-type with allocatable component in private clause

> Hmm, no segfault on x86-64 with -m32, does segfault with -m64.

Same thing on intel-darwin9:

[ibook-dhum] f90/bug% gfc -fopenmp pr_omp.f90
[ibook-dhum] f90/bug% a.out 
          10          10
           1           1
[ibook-dhum] f90/bug% gfc -m64 -fopenmp pr_omp.f90
[ibook-dhum] f90/bug% a.out
          10          10
           1           1
a.out(61614) malloc: *** error for object 0x2000000070: Non-aligned pointer being freed (2)
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug


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