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Re: [Patch, fortran] Preliminary patch for derived type extension

Paul Richard Thomas wrote:
It's maybe not really my taste to make the super-type just the first
component of the derived type (if attr.extended is on).  I'd probably
include another pointer in the derived type structure itself (besides
"components"), say, "super"; but that's probably a symptom of my usual hang
for overpowered designing...  Another idea would be to define a
macro/function to access the super-type.  But both of those are probably not
really necessary, just go ahead :)

The whole point of derived type extension is that the parent is NOT a super type. It's components are part of the extension. It was a whole lot easier to include the parent derived type rather than its extension because existing code to find components could be used.

Hm, probably we missed each other. I think it's the right way to include an instance of the extended type as component, of course (as this truely makes things easier I suppose) and that's also what I'd do.

I was just remarking that in case one wants to access the extended type (for whatever), it would be nicer to write


rather than

extension_type_symbol->components->ts.derived (or so)

It just seems cleaner to me; or adding a new pointer to the structure pointing to the same derived type:


That's what I tried to express above ;)

!   if (extended && !sym->components)
!     {
!       gfc_component *p;
!       gfc_symtree *st;

I've not looked thoroughly at the code, but why is the this check for
!sym->components?  When could there already be components?  Why don't we
need to add the super-type in that case?  Quickly and without knowing the
details, I'd say an assertion would be better?

Believe it or not, this code to build the derived type seems to be visited more than once. I will check this because this is a fault, if so. The check came about to stop the parent derived type being added more than once. As I say, I will check this thoroughly.

Ok, I didn't think about that one. That's right and I experienced the same "problem" (or a similar one) during the finalization patch, too.

I'll think about type-bound procedures a bit and if I've additional comments
regarding the future implementation of those, I'll post them later.

I have some ideas about how to do this - I'll try to get them to you tonight.

Thanks! I'm at the moment studying the standard and thinking about how I'd do it, myself. I maybe start writing some tests, but for the code I'll wait for your ideas, then.


Done:     Arc-Bar-Sam-Val-Wiz, Dwa-Elf-Gno-Hum-Orc, Law-Neu-Cha, Fem-Mal
Underway: Cav-Dwa-Law-Fem
To go:    Cav-Hea-Kni-Mon-Pri-Ran-Rog-Tou

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