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[patch, libgfortran] PR36582 Namelist I/O error: Bogus "Cannot match namelist object"

Hi all,

I will commit this patch as simple, though not obvious at all. I figured it out with gdb when I observed the correct node was being found, but the pointer was being modified before reading the data.

Regression tested on x86-64.

I think this is a candidate for back port to 4.3 which I will do in a few days if no objections.

Test case attached.



2008-07-22 Jerry DeLisle <>

	PR fortran/36852
	* io/list_read.c: If variable rank is zero, do not adjust the found
	namelist object pointer.

Index: io/list_read.c
--- io/list_read.c      (revision 138071)
+++ io/list_read.c      (working copy)
@@ -2791,7 +2791,7 @@ get_name:

   if (nl->type == GFC_DTYPE_DERIVED)
     nml_touch_nodes (nl);
-  if (component_flag)
+  if (component_flag && nl->var_rank > 0)
     nl = first_nl;

/* Make sure no extraneous qualifiers are there. */
! { dg-do run }
! PR36582 Namelist I/O error: Bogus "Cannot match namelist object"
! Test case derived from PR.
module mod1

type screen_io_type
integer :: begin
end type screen_io_type

type adjoint_type
type(screen_io_type) :: screen_io_fs_ntime
character(12) :: solver_type
end type adjoint_type

type(adjoint_type) :: adjoint

end module mod1

program gfortran_error_2
use mod1
adjoint%solver_type = "abcdefghijkl"
write(31, '(a)') "&info_adjoint"
write(31, '(a)') "adjoint%solver_type = 'direct'"
write(31, '(a)') "adjoint%screen_io_fs_ntime%begin = 42"
write(31, '(a)') "/"
if (adjoint%solver_type /= 'direct') call abort
if (adjoint%screen_io_fs_ntime%begin /= 42) call abort
end program gfortran_error_2

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