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Re: Gfortran vs Ifort when using MPI

Tim Prince wrote:
I think I have used the right compiler options (-O3 -ffast-math
-funroll-all-loops), so I don't think that is the culprit?
Depending on the system, using the right -march makes a big difference. Try -march=native (not supported on all targets). (If the compiler thinks that there is no SSE, -march=native can help a lot; if I recall correctly, for x86 the settings are rather conservative.

Effective auto-vectorization would give an advantage of maybe 2x speed. If you want a gfortran where you don't need to turn that option on explicitly, upgrade to the current release.
-ftree-vectorize (plus -fvect-cost-model) is the option, which is in newer gfortran's enabled by default.


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