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Re: Scalarization of finalization of derived-type components

Tobias Burnus wrote:
Daniel Kraft wrote:
but according to PR 29785 this is only allowed if the target has rank 1; what I wanted to do is to point an arbitrary rank pointer to a target of the same arbitrary rank,
I believe this constraint is gone in Fortran 2008. At least I cannot find it anymore in

Fortran 2003 & Fortran 2008:
"C719 If bounds-remapping-list is specified, the number of bounds-remappings shall equal the rank of data-pointer-object."

Fortran 2003:
"C720 If bounds-remapping-list is specified, data-target shall have rank one; otherwise, the ranks of data-pointer-object and data-target shall be the same."

Fortran 2008:
"C720 If bounds-remapping-list is not specified, the ranks of data-pointer-object and data-target shall be the same."

I see. Well, in that case this would be a possible implementation; but I don't think we'll see this soon implemented (?), and after some work I think it is possible (and my current plan) to implement scalarization directly myself; once we have the possibility, we could of course switch to the new implementation as it surely makes things easier and more reliable.

I'm just struggling with getting this scalarization right, but it should work hopefully soon.


Done:     Bar-Sam-Val-Wiz, Dwa-Elf-Hum-Orc, Cha-Law, Fem-Mal
Underway: Ran-Gno-Neu-Fem
To go:    Arc-Cav-Hea-Kni-Mon-Pri-Rog-Tou

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