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gfortran and f77 line continuation

Hello there,

I am a new user to gfortran having previously used a variety of commercial fortran compilers. I like what I have used so far but I am having a terrible time in getting some old Fortran77 code to compile properly.

The issue is that I am using a mixed code-base with both Fortran90-95 code and Fortran77 code. The 95 code compiles pretty much OK, once I had discovered that you could disable the line length limit on the free-source form. I occasionally do produce large pieces of code which for ease-of-reading I allow to cross the 132 column limit normally defined.

My problem now is that I cannot get my Fortran77 code to compile properly as the gfortran compiler seems to no longer accept the f77 method of line continuation. I have tried using the f90 mode of using the ampersand, the f77 method of placing a character in column 6, or an integer in column 7. Nothing seems to get the code to compile.

Code sample:

         const = (m_ho(MA_NO,band)**1.5)*(d_o_ho(MA_NO,phon_mode)**2.0)
    1      *N_op_h/(2.0d0**1.5)/pi/density(MA_NO)/
    2      hw_op_ho(MA_NO,phon_mode)

Above is a code sample that will not compile with gfortran(4.1.12) in a file with the extension .f

For reference, I am using Ubuntu Edgy Eft (6.10) x86-64 with the Ubuntu gfortran package given in their source-base.

Any suggestion as to how to get this code to compile would be appreciated.



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