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Re: [Patch, fortran] PR29642 - Fortran 2003: VALUE Attribute (pass by value)

+     if ((a%x /= b%x) .or. (a%c /= b%c)) dtne = .TRUE.
+   if (r /= 42.0) call abort ()
+   if (z /= (-99.0, 199.0)) call abort ()
+     if (r /= 42.0) call abort ()
+     if (r /= 99.0) call abort ()
+     if (z /= (-99.0, 199.0)) call abort ()
+     if (z /= (77.0, -42.0)) call abort ()
Please replace the real/complex tests by something like
    abs(a%x-b%x) > epsilon(a%x)
etc. Here it accidentally works, though.

I have to say that I differ here. There's no arithmetic done on the variables here, so the values should really be exactly the same, and a simple /= operator is, IMHO, sufficient.

Thanks Tobias for reviewing Paul's patch,

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