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Re: wrong results for SPACING and RRSPACING at compile time

Steve Kargl wrote:

On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 04:15:35PM +0200, Dominique Dhumieres wrote:

The following code

real x, xd, xu
x = -3.0*epsilon(x)
xd = abs(fraction(x))*set_exponent(real(radix(x), kind=kind(x)), 1+digits(x))
print *, -3.0*epsilon(1.0)-x
print *, x, spacing(x), spacing(-3.0*epsilon(1.0))
print *, x, xd, rrspacing(x), rrspacing(-3.0*epsilon(1.0))


0.000000 -3.5762787E-07 2.8421709E-14 5.6843419E-14
-3.5762787E-07 1.2582912E+07 1.2582912E+07 6291456.

where the last column of the two last lines computed from
spacing(-3.0*epsilon(1.0)) and rrspacing(-3.0*epsilon(1.0))
(hence the 'compile time' in the subject) do not match the
values computed through a variable.


I've looked at this a little bit and I think I have the the handling of subnormal numbers worked out. However,
I think gfortran's constant folding of spacing and rrspacing may be broken for special cases. I need to go read the
standard for these intrinsics.

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