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re: ARGH. Who wrote intrinsic_set_exponent.f90?


> Who wrote this test?

One member of our group (CCRG) wrote this.

>  It is using nonconforming code, and
> gfortran's handling of BOZ constants does not do what 
> you think.

Could you explain more about "nonconforming"? I tested it on i686, ia64
platform and gfortran works well with it. And from I don't see it
failed on ppc.

>  Here's a excerpt of the brokeness.

>   subroutine test_real4()
>     real x,y
>     integer i,n
>     equivalence(x,i)
>     n = 128
>     i = o'00037777777'       ! <-- This doesn't do what you think.
>     y = set_exponent (x, n)  ! <-- This is nonconforming.
>     if (exponent (y) .ne. n) call abort()
>   end subroutine

In the test, we want to build an IEEE-754 denormalized floating-point number
with its exponent -127. i shared the same memory with x. We assign
o'00037777777' to i. Then x's sign field is 0 (bit 31), exponent bits are all 0
(bit 30-23) and significand bits are all 1 (bit 22-0).

 It tests if set_exponent handles denormalized floating-point correctly.

Feng Wang



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