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Re: gfortran

Transferring this to the list, as the answer might benefit others:
Pourriez-vous me détailler la procédure pour installer gfortran à partir de l'image disque ?
which can be (poorly) translated into:
Could you give details about the installation procedure for gfortran on MacOS, once one has downloaded the disk image
First: the gfortran binaries I upload are for MacOS 10.4. They are linked from and a short installation instructions page can be found at . To be able to use the GNU Fortran compiler, you need the Apple Developer Tools installed (Xcode and friends); they're usually found on your Apple OS installation CD/DVD. If they're not installed yet (check the presence of a directory named Developer at the root of your disk.

Now, once you've downloaded the gfortran disk image, run the installer inside it. Upon completion, you will have gfortran installed inside directory /usr/local/gfortran, with a symbolic link for the compiler as /usr/local/bin/gfortran. To use it, open a Terminal and run gfortran by typing
/usr/local/bin/gfortran myfile.f90 -o myprog.exe
Now, there's one more thing you need to do before your install is fully functionnal: update your cctools (the core of the developer tools) to the latest version, by downloading and installing

Once that's done, you should be fully able to use the compiler. Some more basic info about compiling mutliple-files projects can be found at


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