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Re: problem finding file

On Jul 6, 2006, at 7:03 AM, Nel N. wrote

hi all! i've just started to use fortran and i'm currently using both the
microsoft fortran power station 4 and compaq visual fortran.
have i done something wrongly here?

Yes. Two things. :-)

1. This is not a mailing list for anything Fortran related. This list is specifically for gfortran, which is a specific Fortran compiler. Your question has nothing to do with gfortran. I suggest either the support forums for your particular compilers, or a generic place like the comp.lang.fortran newsgroup or the comp-fortran-90 mailing list.

2. Trying to use MS Powerstation 4 counts as doing something wrong, but that's off-topic for this mailing list. :-(

Richard Maine                |  Good judgment comes from experience;       |  experience comes from bad judgment.
                            |        -- Mark Twain

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