]> gcc.gnu.org Git - gcc.git/blame - libf2c/readme.netlib
JCB: update email in header.
[gcc.git] / libf2c / readme.netlib
2====== old index for f2c, now "readme from f2c" ============
6f2c.h Include file necessary for compiling output of the converter.
7 See the second NOTE below.
9f2c.1 Man page for f2c.
11f2c.1t Source for f2c.1 (to be processed by troff -man or nroff -man).
13libf77 Library of non I/O support routines the generated C may need.
14 Fortran main programs result in a C function named MAIN__ that
15 is meant to be invoked by the main() in libf77.
17libi77 Library of Fortran I/O routines the generated C may need.
18 Note that some vendors (e.g., BSD, Sun and MIPS) provide a
19 libF77 and libI77 that are incompatible with f2c -- they
20 provide some differently named routines or routines with the
21 names that f2c expects, but with different calling sequences.
22 On such systems, the recommended procedure is to merge
23 libf77 and libi77 into a single library, say libf2c, and to
24 install it where you can access it by specifying -lf2c . The
25 definition of link_msg in sysdep.c assumes this arrangement.
27 Both libf77 and libi77 are bundles, meant to be unpacked by the
28 Bourne (or Korn) shell. MS-DOS users can use the MKS Toolkit
29 to unpack libf77 and libi77.
32 Only available by ftp: combination of libf77 and libi77, with
33 Unix and PC makefiles.
35f2c.ps Postscript for a technical report on f2c. After you strip the
36 mail header, the first line should be "%!PS".
38fixes The complete change log, reporting bug fixes and other changes.
39 (Some recent change-log entries are given below).
41fc A shell script that uses f2c and imitates much of the behavior
42 of commonly found f77 commands. You will almost certainly
43 need to adjust some of the shell-variable assignments to make
44 this script work on your system.
49f2c/src Source for the converter itself, including a file of checksums
50 and source for a program to compute the checksums (to verify
51 correct transmission of the source), is available: ask netlib
52 (e.g., netlib@netlib.bell-labs.com) to
53 send all from f2c/src
54 If the checksums show damage to just a few source files, or if
55 the change log file (see "fixes" below) reports corrections to
56 some source files, you can request those files individually
57 "from f2c/src". For example, to get defs.h and xsum0.out, you
58 would ask netlib to
59 send defs.h xsum0.out from f2c/src
60 "all from f2c/src" is about 640 kilobytes long; for convenience
61 (and checksums), it includes copies of f2c.h, f2c.1, and f2c.1t.
63 Tip: if asked to send over 99,000 bytes in one request, netlib
64 breaks the shipment into 1000 line pieces and sends each piece
65 separately (since otherwise some mailers might gag). To avoid
66 the hassle of reassembling the pieces, try to keep each request
67 under 99,000 bytes long. The final number in each line of
68 xsum0.out gives the length of each file in f2c/src. For
69 example,
70 send exec.c expr.c from f2c/src
71 send format.c format_data.c from f2c/src
72 will give you slightly less hassle than
73 send exec.c expr.c format.c format_data.c from f2c/src
74 Alternatively, if all the mailers in your return path allow
75 long messages, you can supply an appropriate mailsize line in
76 your netlib request, e.g.
77 mailsize 200k
78 send exec.c expr.c format.c format_data.c from f2c/src
80 If you have trouble generating gram.c, you can ask netlib to
81 send gram.c from f2c/src
82 Then `xsum gram.c` should report
83 gram.c 5529f4f 58745
84 Alternatively, if you have bison, you might get a working
85 gram.c by saying
86 make gram.c YACC=bison YFLAGS=-y
87 (but please do not complain if this gives a bad gram.c).
89NOTE: For now, you may exercise f2c by sending netlib a message whose
90 first line is "execute f2c" and whose remaining lines are
91 the Fortran 77 source that you wish to have converted.
92 Return mail brings you the resulting C, with f2c's error
93 messages between #ifdef uNdEfInEd and #endif at the end.
94 (To understand line numbers in the error messages, regard
95 the "execute f2c" line as line 0. It is stripped away by
96 the netlib software before f2c sees your Fortran input.)
97 Options described in the man page may be transmitted to
98 netlib by having the first line of input be a comment
99 whose first 6 characters are "c$f2c " and whose remaining
100 characters are the desired options, e.g., "c$f2c -R -u".
102 You may say "execute f2c" in the Subject line instead of (but
103 *not* in addition to) in the first line of the message body.
105 The incoming Fortran is saved, at least for a while. Don't
106 send any secrets!
109BUGS: Please send bug reports (including the shortest example
110 you can find that illustrates the bug) to research!dmg
111 or dmg@bell-labs.com . You might first check whether
112 the bug goes away when you turn optimization off.
115NOTE: f2c.h defines several types, e.g., real, integer, doublereal.
116 The definitions in f2c.h are suitable for most machines, but if
117 your machine has sizeof(double) > 2*sizeof(long), you may need
118 to adjust f2c.h appropriately. f2c assumes
119 sizeof(doublecomplex) = 2*sizeof(doublereal)
120 sizeof(doublereal) = sizeof(complex)
121 sizeof(doublereal) = 2*sizeof(real)
122 sizeof(real) = sizeof(integer)
123 sizeof(real) = sizeof(logical)
124 sizeof(real) = 2*sizeof(shortint)
125 EQUIVALENCEs may not be translated correctly if these
126 assumptions are violated.
128 On machines, such as those using a DEC Alpha processor, on
129 which sizeof(short) == 2, sizeof(int) == sizeof(float) == 4,
130 and sizeof(long) == sizeof(double) == 8, it suffices to
131 modify f2c.h by removing the first occurrence of "long "
132 on each line containing "long ", e.g., by issuing the
133 commands
134 mv f2c.h f2c.h0
135 sed 's/long //' f2c.h0 >f2c.h
136 On such machines, one can enable INTEGER*8 by uncommenting
137 the typedef of longint in f2c.h, so it reads
138 typedef long longint;
139 by compiling libI77 with -DAllow_TYQUAD, and by adjusting
140 libF77/makefile as described in libF77/README.
142 Some machines may have sizeof(int) == 4 and
143 sizeof(long long) == 8. On such machines, adjust f2c.h
144 by changing "long int " to "long long ", e.g., by saying
145 mv f2c.h f2c.h0
146 sed 's/long int /long long /' f2c.h0 >f2c.h
147 One can enable INTEGER*8 on such machines as described
148 above, but with
149 typedef long long longint;
151 There exists a C compiler that objects to the lines
152 typedef VOID C_f; /* complex function */
153 typedef VOID H_f; /* character function */
154 typedef VOID Z_f; /* double complex function */
155 in f2c.h . If yours is such a compiler, do two things:
156 1. Complain to your vendor about this compiler bug.
157 2. Find the line
158 #define VOID void
159 in f2c.h and change it to
160 #define VOID int
161 (For readability, the f2c.h lines shown above have had two
162 tabs inserted before their first character.)
164FTP: All the material described above is now available by anonymous
165 ftp from netlib.bell-labs.com (login: anonymous; Password: your
166 E-mail address; cd netlib/f2c). Note that you can say, e.g.,
168 cd /netlib/f2c/src
169 binary
170 prompt
171 mget *.Z
173 to get all the .Z files in src. You must uncompress the .Z
174 files once you have a copy of them, e.g., by
176 uncompress *.Z
178 Subdirectory msdos contains two PC versions of f2c,
179 f2c.exe.Z and f2cx.exe.Z; the latter uses extended memory.
180 The README in that directory provides more details.
182 Changes appear first in the f2c files available by E-mail
183 from netlib@netlib.bell-labs.com. If the deamons work right,
184 changed files are available the next day by ftp from
185 netlib.bell-labs.com. In due course, they reach other netlib servers.
188 Send the E-mail message
189 subscribe f2c
190 to netlib@netlib.bell-labs.com to request notification of new and
191 changed f2c files. (Beware that automatically sent change
192 notifications may reach you before changes have reached
193 ftp://netlib.bell-labs.com/netlib/f2c or to other netlib servers.)
194 Send the E-mail message
195 unsubscribe f2c
196 to recant your notification request.
199Recent change log (partial)
202Mon May 13 23:35:26 EDT 1996
203 Recognize Fortran 90's /= as a synonym for .NE.. (<> remains a
204synonym for .NE..)
205 Emit an empty int function of no arguments to supply an external
206name to named block data subprograms (so they can be called somewhere
207to force them to be loaded from a library).
208 Fix bug (memory fault) in handling the following illegal Fortran:
209 parameter(i=1)
210 equivalence(i,j)
211 end
212 Treat cdabs, cdcos, cdexp, cdlog, cdsin, and cdsqrt as synonyms for
213the double complex intrinsics zabs, zcos, zexp, zlog, zsin, and zsqrt,
214respectively, unless -cd is specified.
215 Recognize the Fortran 90 bit-manipulation intrinsics btest, iand,
216ibclr, ibits, ibset, ieor, ior, ishft, and ishftc, unless -i90 is
217specified. Note that iand, ieor, and ior are thus now synonyms for
218"and", "xor", and "or", respectively.
219 Add three macros (bit_test, bit_clear, bit_set) to f2c.h for use
220with btest, ibclr, and ibset, respectively. Add new functions
221[lq]bit_bits, [lq]bit_shift, and [lq]_bit_cshift to libF77 for
222use with ibits, ishft, and ishftc, respectively.
223 Add integer function ftell(unit) (returning -1 on error) and
224subroutine fseek(unit, offset, whence, *) to libI77 (with branch to
225label * on error).
227Tue May 14 23:21:12 EDT 1996
228 Fix glitch (possible memory fault, or worse) in handling multiple
229entry points with names over 28 characters long.
231Mon Jun 10 01:20:16 EDT 1996
232 Update netlib E-mail and ftp addresses in f2c/readme and
233f2c/src/readme (which are different files) -- to reflect the upcoming
234breakup of AT&T.
235 libf77: trivial tweaks to F77_aloc.c and system_.c; Version.c not
237 libi77: Adjust rsli.c and lread.c so internal list input with too
238few items in the input string will honor end= .
240Mon Jun 10 22:59:57 EDT 1996
241 Add Bits_per_Byte to sysdep.h and adjust definition of Table_size
242to depend on Bits_per_Byte (forcing Table_size to be a power of 2); in
243lex.c, change "comstart[c & 0xfff]" to "comstart[c & (Table_size-1)]"
244to avoid an out-of-range subscript on end-of-file.
246Wed Jun 12 00:24:28 EDT 1996
247 Fix bug in output.c (dereferencing a freed pointer) revealed in
248 print * !np in out_call in output.c clobbered by free
249 end !during out_expr.
251Wed Jun 19 08:12:47 EDT 1996
252 f2c.h: add types uinteger, ulongint (for libF77); add qbit_clear
253and qbit_set macros (in a commented-out section) for integer*8.
254 For integer*8, use qbit_clear and qbit_set for ibclr and ibset.
255 libf77: add casts to unsigned in [lq]bitshft.c.
257Thu Jun 20 13:30:43 EDT 1996
258 Complain at character*(*) in common (rather than faulting).
259 Fix bug in recognizing hex constants that start with "16#" (e.g.,
26016#1234abcd, which is a synonym for z'1234abcd').
261 Fix bugs in constant folding of expressions involving btest, ibclr,
262and ibset.
263 Fix bug in constant folding of rshift(16#80000000, -31) (on a 32-bit
264machine; more generally, the bug was in constant folding of
265rshift(ibset(0,NBITS-1), 1-NBITS) when f2c runs on a machine with
266long ints having NBITS bits.
268Mon Jun 24 07:58:53 EDT 1996
269 Adjust struct Literal and newlabel() function to accommodate huge
270source files (with more than 32767 newlabel() invocations).
271 Omit .c file when the .f file has a missing final end statement.
273Wed Jun 26 14:00:02 EDT 1996
274 libi77: Add discussion of MXUNIT (highest allowed Fortran unit number)
275to libI77/README.
277Fri Jun 28 14:16:11 EDT 1996
278 Fix glitch with -onetrip: the temporary variable used for nonconstant
279initial loop variable values was recycled too soon. Example:
280 do i = j+1, k
281 call foo(i+1) ! temp for j+1 was reused here
282 enddo
283 end
285Tue Jul 2 16:11:27 EDT 1996
286 formatdata.c: add a 0 to the end of the basetype array (for TYBLANK)
287(an omission that was harmless on most machines).
288 expr.c: fix a dereference of NULL that was only possible with buggy
289input, such as
290 subroutine $sub(s) ! the '$' is erroneous
291 character s*(*)
292 s(1:) = ' '
293 end
295Sat Jul 6 00:44:56 EDT 1996
296 Fix glitch in the intrinsic "real" function when applied to a
297complex (or double complex) variable and passed as an argument to
298some intrinsic functions. Example:
299 complex a
300 b = sqrt(real(a))
301 end
302 Fix glitch (only visible if you do not use f2c's malloc and the
303malloc you do use is defective in the sense that malloc(0) returns 0)
304in handling include files that end with another include (perhaps
305followed by comments).
306 Fix glitch with character*(*) arguments named "h" and "i" when
307the body of the subroutine invokes the intrinsic LEN function.
308 Arrange that after a previous "f2c -P foo.f" has produced foo.P,
309running "f2c foo.P foo.f" will produce valid C when foo.f contains
310 call sub('1234')
311 end
312 subroutine sub(msg)
313 end
314Specifically, the length argument in "call sub" is now suppressed.
315With or without foo.P, it is also now suppressed when the order of
316subprograms in file foo.f is reversed:
317 subroutine sub(msg)
318 end
319 call sub('1234')
320 end
321 Adjust copyright notices to reflect AT&T breakup.
323Wed Jul 10 09:25:49 EDT 1996
324 Fix bug (possible memory fault) in handling erroneously placed
325and inconsistent declarations. Example that faulted:
326 character*1 w(8)
327 call foo(w)
328 end
329 subroutine foo(m)
330 data h /0.5/
331 integer m(2) ! should be before data
332 end
333 Fix bug (possible fault) in handling illegal "if" constructions.
334Example (that faulted):
335 subroutine foo(i,j)
336 if (i) then ! bug: i is integer, not logical
337 else if (j) then ! bug: j is integer, not logical
338 endif
339 end
340 Fix glitch with character*(*) argument named "ret_len" to a
341character*(*) function.
343Wed Jul 10 23:04:16 EDT 1996
344 Fix more glitches in the intrinsic "real" function when applied to a
345complex (or double complex) variable and passed as an argument to
346some intrinsic functions. Example:
347 complex a, b
348 r = sqrt(real(conjg(a))) + sqrt(real(a*b))
349 end
351Thu Jul 11 17:27:16 EDT 1996
352 Fix a memory fault associated with complicated, illegal input.
354 subroutine goo
355 character a
356 call foo(a) ! inconsistent with subsequent def and call
357 end
358 subroutine foo(a)
359 end
360 call foo(a)
361 end
363Wed Jul 17 19:18:28 EDT 1996
364 Fix yet another case of intrinsic "real" applied to a complex
365argument. Example:
366 complex a(3)
367 x = sqrt(real(a(2))) ! gave error message about bad tag
368 end
370Mon Aug 26 11:28:57 EDT 1996
371 Tweak sysdep.c for non-Unix systems in which process ID's can be
372over 5 digits long.
374Tue Aug 27 08:31:32 EDT 1996
375 Adjust the ishft intrinsic to use unsigned right shifts. (Previously,
376a negative constant second operand resulted in a possibly signed shift.)
378Thu Sep 12 14:04:07 EDT 1996
379 equiv.c: fix glitch with -DKR_headers.
380 libi77: fmtlib.c: fix bug in printing the most negative integer.
382Fri Sep 13 08:54:40 EDT 1996
383 Diagnose some illegal appearances of substring notation.
385Tue Sep 17 17:48:09 EDT 1996
386 Fix fault in handling some complex parameters. Example:
387 subroutine foo(a)
388 double complex a, b
389 parameter(b = (0,1))
390 a = b ! f2c faulted here
391 end
393Thu Sep 26 07:47:10 EDT 1996
394 libi77: fmt.h: for formatted writes of negative integer*1 values,
395make ic signed on ANSI systems. If formatted writes of integer*1
396values trouble you when using a K&R C compiler, switch to an ANSI
397compiler or use a compiler flag that makes characters signed.
399Tue Oct 1 14:41:36 EDT 1996
400 Give a better error message when dummy arguments appear in data
403Thu Oct 17 13:37:22 EDT 1996
404 Fix bug in typechecking arguments to character and complex (or
405double complex) functions; the bug could cause length arguments
406for character arguments to be omitted on invocations appearing
407textually after the first invocation. For example, in
408 subroutine foo
409 character c
410 complex zot
411 call goo(zot(c), zot(c))
412 end
413the length was omitted from the second invocation of zot, and
414there was an erroneous error message about inconsistent calling
417Wed Dec 4 13:59:14 EST 1996
418 Fix bug revealed by
419 subroutine test(cdum,rdum)
420 complex cdum
421 rdum=cos(real(cdum)) ! "Unexpected tag 3 in opconv_fudge"
422 end
423 Fix glitch in parsing "DO 10 D0 = 1, 10".
424 Fix glitch in parsing
425 real*8 x
426 real*8 x ! erroneous "incompatible type" message
427 call foo(x)
428 end
429 lib[FI]77/makefile: add comment about omitting -x under Solaris.
431Mon Dec 9 23:15:02 EST 1996
432 Fix glitch in parameter adjustments for arrays whose lower
433bound depends on a scalar argument. Example:
434 subroutine bug(p,z,m,n)
435 integer z(*),m,n
436 double precision p(z(m):z(m) + n) ! p_offset botched
437 call foo(p(0), p(n))
438 end
439 libi77: complain about non-positive rec= in direct read and write
441 libf77: trivial adjustments; Version.c not changed.
443Wed Feb 12 00:18:03 EST 1997
444 output.c: fix (seldom problematic) glitch in out_call: put parens
445around the ... in a test of the form "if (q->tag == TADDR && ...)".
446 vax.c: fix bug revealed in the "psi_offset =" assignment in the
447following example:
448 subroutine foo(psi,m)
449 integer z(100),m
450 common /a/ z
451 double precision psi(z(m):z(m) + 10)
452 call foo(m+1, psi(0),psi(10))
453 end
455Mon Feb 24 23:44:54 EST 1997
456 For consistency with f2c's current treatment of adjacent character
457strings in FORMAT statements, recognize a Hollerith string following
458a string (and merge adjacent strings in FORMAT statements).
460Wed Feb 26 13:41:11 EST 1997
461 New libf2c.zip, a combination of the libf77 and libi77 bundles (and
462available only by ftp).
463 libf77: adjust functions with a complex output argument to permit
464aliasing it with input arguments. (For now, at least, this is just
465for possible benefit of g77.)
466 libi77: tweak to ftell_.c for systems with strange definitions of
467SEEK_SET, etc.
469Tue Apr 8 20:57:08 EDT 1997
470 libf77: [cz]_div.c: tweaks invisible on most systems (that may
471improve things slightly with optimized compilation on systems that use
472gratuitous extra precision).
473 libi77: fmt.c: adjust to complain at missing numbers in formats
474(but still treat missing ".nnn" as ".0").
476Fri Apr 11 14:05:57 EDT 1997
477 libi77: err.c: attempt to make stderr line buffered rather than
478fully buffered. (Buffering is needed for format items T and TR.)
480Thu Apr 17 22:42:43 EDT 1997
481 libf77: add F77_aloc.o to makefile (and makefile.u in libf2c.zip).
483Fri Apr 25 19:32:09 EDT 1997
484 libf77: add [de]time_.c (which may give trouble on some systems).
486Tue May 27 09:18:52 EDT 1997
487 libi77: ftell_.c: fix typo that caused the third argument to be
488treated as 2 on some systems.
490Mon Jun 9 00:04:37 EDT 1997
491 libi77 (and libf2c.zip): adjust include order in err.c lread.c wref.c
492rdfmt.c to include fmt.h (etc.) after system includes. Version.c not
495Mon Jun 9 14:29:13 EDT 1997
496 src/gram.c updated; somehow it did not reflect the change of
49719961001 to gram.dcl.
499Mon Jul 21 16:04:54 EDT 1997
500 proc.c: fix glitch in logic for "nonpositive dimension" message.
501 libi77: inquire.c: always include string.h (for possible use with
502-DNON_UNIX_STDIO); Version.c not changed.
504Thu Jul 24 17:11:23 EDT 1997
505 Tweak "Notice" to reflect the AT&T breakup -- we missed it when
506updating the copyright notices in the source files last summer.
507 Adjust src/makefile so malloc.o is not used by default, but can
508be specified with "make MALLOC=malloc.o".
509 Add comments to src/README about the "CRAY" T3E.
511Tue Aug 5 14:53:25 EDT 1997
512 Add definition of calloc to malloc.c; this makes f2c's malloc
513work on some systems where trouble hitherto arose because references
514to calloc brought in the system's malloc. (On sensible systems,
515calloc is defined separately from malloc. To avoid confusion on
516other systems, f2c/malloc.c now defines calloc.)
517 libi77: lread.c: adjust to accord with a change to the Fortran 8X
518draft (in 1990 or 1991) that rescinded permission to elide quote marks
519in namelist input of character data; to get the old behavior, compile
520with F8X_NML_ELIDE_QUOTES #defined. wrtfmt.o: wrt_G: tweak to print
521the right number of 0's for zero under G format.
523Sat Aug 16 05:45:32 EDT 1997
524 libi77: iio.c: fix bug in internal writes to an array of character
525strings that sometimes caused one more array element than required by
526the format to be blank-filled. Example: format(1x).
528Wed Sep 17 00:39:29 EDT 1997
529 libi77: fmt.[ch] rdfmt.c wrtfmt.c: tweak struct syl for machines
530with 64-bit pointers and 32-bit ints that did not 64-bit align
531struct syl (e.g., Linux on the DEC Alpha). This change should be
532invisible on other machines.
534Sun Sep 21 22:05:19 EDT 1997
535 libf77: [de]time_.c (Unix systems only): change return type to double.
537Current timestamps of files in "all from f2c/src", sorted by time,
538appear below (mm/dd/year hh:mm:ss). To bring your source up to date,
539obtain source files with a timestamp later than the time shown in your
540version.c. Note that the time shown in the current version.c is the
541timestamp of the source module that immediately follows version.c below:
543 8/05/1997 14:51:56 xsum0.out
544 8/05/1997 14:42:48 version.c
545 8/05/1997 10:31:26 malloc.c
546 7/24/1997 17:10:55 README
547 7/24/1997 17:00:57 makefile
548 7/24/1997 16:06:19 Notice
549 7/21/1997 12:58:44 proc.c
550 2/19/1997 13:34:09 lex.c
551 2/11/1997 23:39:14 vax.c
55212/22/1996 11:51:22 output.c
55312/04/1996 13:07:53 gram.exec
55410/17/1996 13:10:40 putpcc.c
55510/01/1996 14:36:18 gram.dcl
55610/01/1996 14:36:18 init.c
55710/01/1996 14:36:18 defs.h
55810/01/1996 14:36:17 data.c
559 9/17/1996 17:29:44 expr.c
560 9/12/1996 12:12:46 equiv.c
561 8/27/1996 8:30:32 intr.c
562 8/26/1996 9:41:13 sysdep.c
563 7/09/1996 10:41:13 format.c
564 7/09/1996 10:40:45 names.c
565 7/04/1996 9:58:31 formatdata.c
566 7/04/1996 9:55:45 sysdep.h
567 7/04/1996 9:55:43 put.c
568 7/04/1996 9:55:41 pread.c
569 7/04/1996 9:55:40 parse_args.c
570 7/04/1996 9:55:40 p1output.c
571 7/04/1996 9:55:38 niceprintf.c
572 7/04/1996 9:55:37 misc.c
573 7/04/1996 9:55:36 memset.c
574 7/04/1996 9:55:36 mem.c
575 7/04/1996 9:55:35 main.c
576 7/04/1996 9:55:33 io.c
577 7/04/1996 9:55:30 exec.c
578 7/04/1996 9:55:29 error.c
579 7/04/1996 9:55:27 cds.c
580 7/03/1996 15:47:49 xsum.c
581 6/19/1996 7:04:27 f2c.h
582 6/19/1996 2:52:05 defines.h
583 5/13/1996 0:40:32 gram.head
584 5/12/1996 23:37:11 f2c.1
585 5/12/1996 23:37:02 f2c.1t
586 2/25/1994 2:07:19 parse.h
587 2/22/1994 19:07:20 iob.h
588 2/22/1994 18:56:53 p1defs.h
589 2/22/1994 18:53:46 output.h
590 2/22/1994 18:51:14 names.h
591 2/22/1994 18:30:41 format.h
592 1/18/1994 18:12:52 tokens
593 3/06/1993 14:13:58 gram.expr
594 1/28/1993 9:03:16 ftypes.h
595 4/06/1990 0:00:57 gram.io
596 2/03/1990 0:58:26 niceprintf.h
597 1/07/1990 1:20:01 usignal.h
59811/27/1989 8:27:37 machdefs.h
599 7/01/1989 11:59:44 pccdefs.h
This page took 0.100302 seconds and 5 git commands to generate.