Top of the trunk, x86_64. The following test case when compiled with "-fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined -O0" produces incorrect result. Correct result is 1. Incorrect is 0. > cat f.cpp #include <stdio.h> unsigned int x = 3153848182U; unsigned int y = 0; void foo() { int a(!0 >> !x * 500740718); y = a; } int main () { foo (); printf("Result = %u\n", y); return 0; } > g++ f.cpp -o out -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined -O0 > ./out Result = 0 > g++ f.cpp -o out -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined -O2 > ./out Result = 1 > g++ f.cpp -o out -O0 > ./out Result = 1 > g++ f.cpp -o out -O2 > ./out Result = 1
Working on that.
I've got patch that I'm going to submit to mailing list soon.
Author: marxin Date: Mon Apr 10 07:29:29 2017 New Revision: 246799 URL: Log: Evaluate a SAVE_EXPR before an UBSAN check (PR sanitizer/80350). 2017-04-10 Martin Liska <> PR sanitizer/80350 * c-ubsan.c (ubsan_instrument_shift): Evaluate RHS before doing an UBSAN check. 2017-04-10 Martin Liska <> PR sanitizer/80350 * c-c++-common/ubsan/pr80350.c: New test. Added: trunk/gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/ubsan/pr80350.c Modified: trunk/gcc/c-family/ChangeLog trunk/gcc/c-family/c-ubsan.c trunk/gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog
Fixed on trunk, queued for active branches.
Author: marxin Date: Fri May 26 11:26:45 2017 New Revision: 248495 URL: Log: Backport r246799 2017-05-26 Martin Liska <> Backport from mainline 2017-04-10 Martin Liska <> PR sanitizer/80350 * c-ubsan.c (ubsan_instrument_shift): Evaluate RHS before doing an UBSAN check. 2017-05-26 Martin Liska <> Backport from mainline 2017-04-10 Martin Liska <> PR sanitizer/80350 * c-c++-common/ubsan/pr80350.c: New test. Added: branches/gcc-6-branch/gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/ubsan/pr80350.c Modified: branches/gcc-6-branch/gcc/c-family/ChangeLog branches/gcc-6-branch/gcc/c-family/c-ubsan.c branches/gcc-6-branch/gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog
Fixed on GCC 6 branch.
As the patch can't be easily ported to GCC 5, I'm not planning to backport to the branch. Thus closing as resolved.