I use Solaris X86 for a number of years with gcc. I successfully installed a number of gcc and egc versions and 3.2 is the first with build problems. I used: ../gcc-3.2/configure --enable-languages=c,c++ >& configure.log & make bootstrap >& build.log & I packed both files in the attachement. I also failed building without --enable-langages flag. Release: gcc 3.2 Environment: Solaris8 x86 05/01
State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback State-Changed-Why: Unfortunately the attachment never made it to the PR. Could you re-attach it?
No feedback in last 3 months. Closing. Note that there have been successful builds of 3.3 on this platform (see bug 10802, build had minor, and I suspect platform non-specific problem).