
The introduction of the memory model and atomic operations introduces some interesting testing issues. Its important that any compiler changes can be:

The things specifically that need to be tested are:

Scanning output files seems to be a fairly unsafe and difficult to prove approach, so this is what I've come up with:

How to test

This approach will use GDB to control how the testcase is executed. For the record, and inferior function call is when gdb directly calls a user function in the program outside of normal execution.

Conceptually, this turns GDB into a task scheduler in which the test routine is one process which is always given a single instruction time slice. The inferior function calls around this single step "time slice" then act as other processes which can modify or verify shared memory to make sure the results are always as expected.

With a well constructed test case, this approach enables us to properly test the thread-safeness of routines at the instruction level without actually being multi-threaded, and to be sure we have coverage with a single testcase run (as opposed to running 2 threads 1,000,000 times and hoping that if there was a problem it would show up).

This can also be used to verify that an optimization was or was not performed based on how the inferior function calls can see and change shared memory between each instruction.

Im currently using a generic GDB run script for all tests which looks something like:

break main

set $ret = 0
while fini != 1
  call other_threads()
  set $ret |= step_verify()

set $ret |= final_verify()
quit $ret

The final script will be a bit different. The while loop utilizing 'fini' is executed until a routine called done() is called in the user program. The testcase provide the three routine other_threads(), step_verify(), and final_verify() to do whatever modifying/verifying is required for the test.

A few examples to help indicate how this works.

This is just a sample of the types of things that this testing harness utilizing GDB can accomplish. It should be possible to test all aspects of conformance of the memory model and atomics to the standard eventually, and identify regressions as they occur.

The testcases themselves should execute very quickly, and should add very little time to the overall testrun

When non-compliant errors are found, a testcase can also easily be added. Initially testcases will be added to help identify optimizations which need modifying.

This approach of simulating other threads should also be adaptable to test other threading situations, such as verifying that a linked list insertion is thread-safe or that a hash table lookup is thread-safe while deletions are being performed.

None: Atomic/GCCMM/AtomicTesting (last edited 2010-05-19 16:59:38 by AndrewMacLeod)