6.31 acc_memcpy_to_device – Copy host memory to device memory.


This function copies host memory specified by host address of data_host_src to device memory specified by the device address data_dev_dest for a length of bytes bytes.

Prototype:void acc_memcpy_to_device(d_void* data_dev_dest,
h_void* data_host_src, size_t bytes);
Prototype:void acc_memcpy_to_device_async(d_void* data_dev_dest,
h_void* data_host_src, size_t bytes, int async_arg);
Interface:subroutine acc_memcpy_to_device(data_dev_dest, &
data_host_src, bytes)
Interface:subroutine acc_memcpy_to_device_async(data_dev_dest, &
data_host_src, bytes, async_arg)
type(c_ptr), value :: data_dev_dest
type(*), dimension(*) :: data_host_src
integer(c_size_t), value :: bytes
integer(acc_handle_kind), value :: async_arg

OpenACC specification v2.6, section 3.2.31 OpenACC specification v3.3, section 3.2.26.