

class  std::codecvt< _InternT, _ExternT, _StateT >
 Primary class template codecvt.NB: Generic, mostly useless implementation. More...
class  std::ctype< _CharT >
 Primary class template ctype facet.This template class defines classification and conversion functions for character sets. It wraps cctype functionality. Ctype gets used by streams for many I/O operations. More...
class  std::ctype< char >
 The ctype<char> specialization.This class defines classification and conversion functions for the char type. It gets used by char streams for many I/O operations. The char specialization provides a number of optimizations as well. More...
class  std::ctype< wchar_t >
 The ctype<wchar_t> specialization.This class defines classification and conversion functions for the wchar_t type. It gets used by wchar_t streams for many I/O operations. The wchar_t specialization provides a number of optimizations as well. More...
class  std::locale
 Container class for localization functionality.The locale class is first a class wrapper for C library locales. It is also an extensible container for user-defined localization. A locale is a collection of facets that implement various localization features such as money, time, and number printing. More...
class  std::locale::facet
 Localization functionality base class.The facet class is the base class for a localization feature, such as money, time, and number printing. It provides common support for facets and reference management. More...
class  std::locale::id
 Facet ID class.The ID class provides facets with an index used to identify them. Every facet class must define a public static member locale::id, or be derived from a facet that provides this member, otherwise the facet cannot be used in a locale. The locale::id ensures that each class type gets a unique identifier. More...
class  std::messages< _CharT >
 Primary class template messages.This facet encapsulates the code to retrieve messages from message catalogs. The only thing defined by the standard for this facet is the interface. All underlying functionality is implementation-defined. More...
struct  std::messages_base
 Messages facet base class providing catalog typedef. More...
class  std::money_base
 Money format ordering data.This class contains an ordered array of 4 fields to represent the pattern for formatting a money amount. Each field may contain one entry from the part enum. symbol, sign, and value must be present and the remaining field must contain either none or space. More...
class  std::money_get< _CharT, _InIter >
 Primary class template money_get.This facet encapsulates the code to parse and return a monetary amount from a string. More...
class  std::money_put< _CharT, _OutIter >
 Primary class template money_put.This facet encapsulates the code to format and output a monetary amount. More...
class  std::moneypunct< _CharT, _Intl >
 Primary class template moneypunct.This facet encapsulates the punctuation, grouping and other formatting features of money amount string representations. More...
class  std::num_get< _CharT, _InIter >
 Primary class template num_get.This facet encapsulates the code to parse and return a number from a string. It is used by the istream numeric extraction operators. More...
class  std::num_put< _CharT, _OutIter >
 Primary class template num_put.This facet encapsulates the code to convert a number to a string. It is used by the ostream numeric insertion operators. More...
class  std::numpunct< _CharT >
 Primary class template numpunct.This facet stores several pieces of information related to printing and scanning numbers, such as the decimal point character. It takes a template parameter specifying the char type. The numpunct facet is used by streams for many I/O operations involving numbers. More...
class  std::time_base
 Time format ordering data.This class provides an enum representing different orderings of time: day, month, and year. More...
class  std::time_get< _CharT, _InIter >
 Primary class template time_get.This facet encapsulates the code to parse and return a date or time from a string. It is used by the istream numeric extraction operators. More...
class  std::time_put< _CharT, _OutIter >
 Primary class template time_put.This facet encapsulates the code to format and output dates and times according to formats used by strftime(). More...

Detailed Description

Classes and functions for internationalization and localization.