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6.2.2 ENCODE and DECODE statements

GNU Fortran doesn't support the ENCODE and DECODE statements. These statements are best replaced by READ and WRITE statements involving internal files (CHARACTER variables and arrays), which have been part of the Fortran standard since Fortran 77. For example, replace a code fragment like

           INTEGER*1 LINE(80)
           REAL A, B, C
     c     ... Code that sets LINE
           DECODE (80, 9000, LINE) A, B, C
      9000 FORMAT (1X, 3(F10.5))

with the following:

           CHARACTER(LEN=80) LINE
           REAL A, B, C
     c     ... Code that sets LINE
           READ (UNIT=LINE, FMT=9000) A, B, C
      9000 FORMAT (1X, 3(F10.5))

Similarly, replace a code fragment like

           INTEGER*1 LINE(80)
           REAL A, B, C
     c     ... Code that sets A, B and C
           ENCODE (80, 9000, LINE) A, B, C
      9000 FORMAT (1X, 'OUTPUT IS ', 3(F10.5))

with the following:

           INTEGER*1 LINE(80)
           REAL A, B, C
     c     ... Code that sets A, B and C
           WRITE (UNIT=LINE, FMT=9000) A, B, C
      9000 FORMAT (1X, 'OUTPUT IS ', 3(F10.5))