Node: Search Path, Next: , Previous: Include Operation, Up: Header Files

Search Path

GCC looks in several different places for headers. On a normal Unix system, if you do not instruct it otherwise, it will look for headers requested with #include <file> in:


For C++ programs, it will also look in /usr/include/g++-v3, first. In the above, target is the canonical name of the system GCC was configured to compile code for; often but not always the same as the canonical name of the system it runs on. version is the version of GCC in use.

You can add to this list with the -Idir command line option. All the directories named by -I are searched, in left-to-right order, before the default directories. You can also prevent GCC from searching any of the default directories with the -nostdinc option. This is useful when you are compiling an operating system kernel or some other program that does not use the standard C library facilities, or the standard C library itself.

GCC looks for headers requested with #include "file" first in the directory containing the current file, then in the same places it would have looked for a header requested with angle brackets. For example, if /usr/include/sys/stat.h contains #include "types.h", GCC looks for types.h first in /usr/include/sys, then in its usual search path.

If you name a search directory with -Idir that is also a system include directory, the -I wins; the directory will be searched according to the -I ordering, and it will not be treated as a system include directory. GCC will warn you when a system include directory is hidden in this way.

#line (see Line Control) does not change GCC's idea of the directory containing the current file.

You may put -I- at any point in your list of -I options. This has two effects. First, directories appearing before the -I- in the list are searched only for headers requested with quote marks. Directories after -I- are searched for all headers. Second, the directory containing the current file is not searched for anything, unless it happens to be one of the directories named by an -I switch.

-I. -I- is not the same as no -I options at all, and does not cause the same behavior for <> includes that "" includes get with no special options. -I. searches the compiler's current working directory for header files. That may or may not be the same as the directory containing the current file.

If you need to look for headers in a directory named -, write -I./-.

There are several more ways to adjust the header search path. They are generally less useful. See Invocation.