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Re: Default associative containers constructors/destructor/assignment

On 28/10/16 21:42 +0200, François Dumont wrote:
       *  @brief  %Map move constructor.
-       *  @param  __x  A %map of identical element and allocator types.
-       *  The newly-created %map contains the exact contents of @a __x.
-       *  The contents of @a __x are a valid, but unspecified %map.
+       *  The newly-created %map contains the exact contents of the moved
+       *  instance. The moved instance is a valid, but unspecified, %map.

This comment isn't true, because non-propagating or non-equal
allocators can force elements to be copied, but that's unrelated to
your patch.

There are no problems with the changes to the map and set containers,
but I have some comments on the _Rb_tree changes. Overall I like the

diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_tree.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_tree.h
index 0bc5f4b..126087e 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_tree.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_tree.h

+  // Helper type offering value initialization guaranty on the compare functor.

Spelling: "guarantee"

+  template<typename _Key_compare>
+    struct _Rb_tree_key_compare
+    {
+      _Key_compare		_M_key_compare;
+      _Rb_tree_key_compare()
+	is_nothrow_default_constructible<_Key_compare>::value)
+      : _M_key_compare()
+      { }
+      _Rb_tree_key_compare(const _Key_compare& __comp)
+      : _M_key_compare(__comp)
+      { }
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+      _Rb_tree_key_compare(_Rb_tree_key_compare&& __x)
+	noexcept(is_nothrow_copy_constructible<_Key_compare>::value)
+      : _M_key_compare(__x._M_key_compare)
+      { }

This constructor makes the type move-only (i.e.  non-copyable) in
C++11 and later. It's copyable in C++98. Is that what you want?

Adding defaulted copy operations would fix that. Even if we don't
actually need those copy operations, I'm uncomfortable with it being
copyable in C++98 and non-copyable otherwise.

+    void
+    _M_reset()
+    {
+      _M_initialize();
+      _M_node_count = 0;
+    }

This introduces a small change in behaviour, because _M_reset() now
does _M_header._M_color = _S_red, which it didn't do before. That
store is redundant. It could be avoided by just doing the three
assignments in _M_reset() instead of calling _M_initialize().

And we could remove _M_initialize() entirely, and remove the redundant
mem-initializers for _M_node_count (because it's set my _M_reset and
_M_move_data anyway):

   _Rb_tree_header() _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
     _M_header._M_color = _S_red;

#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
   _Rb_tree_header(_Rb_tree_header&& __x) noexcept
     if (__x._M_header._M_parent != nullptr)
         _M_header._M_color = _S_red;

   _M_move_data(_Rb_tree_header& __x)
     _M_header._M_parent = __x._M_header._M_parent;
     _M_header._M_left = __x._M_header._M_left;
     _M_header._M_right = __x._M_header._M_right;
     _M_header._M_parent->_M_parent = &_M_header;
     _M_node_count = __x._M_node_count;


     _M_header._M_parent = 0;
     _M_header._M_left = &_M_header;
     _M_header._M_right = &_M_header;
     _M_node_count = 0;

      // Unused _Is_pod_comparator is kept as it is part of mangled name.
      template<typename _Key_compare,
	       bool /* _Is_pod_comparator */ = __is_pod(_Key_compare)>
-        struct _Rb_tree_impl : public _Node_allocator
+        struct _Rb_tree_impl
+	: public _Node_allocator
+	, public _Rb_tree_key_compare<_Key_compare>
+	, public _Rb_tree_header

Do these need to be base classes, rather than data members?

We derive from the allocator to benefit from the empty base-class
optimization, but that isn't relevant for the _Rb_tree_key_compare and
_Rb_tree_header types. It *could* be relevant for the comparison
function, but would be an ABI change. We could do that ABI change
conditionally, for gnu-versioned-namespace builds, but that's still
possible using data members (e.g. have a data member that derives from
the comparison function and contains the header node and/or node count

Making them data members would simply mean restoring the function
_Rb_tree_impl::_M_reset() and making it call reset on the member:

    _M_reset() { _M_header._M_reset(); }

The minor convenience of inheriting this function from a base class
doesn't seem worth the stronger coupling that comes from using

Am I missing some other reason that inheritance is used here?

-	  _Rb_tree_impl(const _Key_compare& __comp, const _Node_allocator& __a)
-	  : _Node_allocator(__a), _M_key_compare(__comp), _M_header(),
-	    _M_node_count(0)
-	  { _M_initialize(); }

Please mention the removal of this constructor in the changelog.

    _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::
    _M_move_data(_Rb_tree& __x, std::true_type)
-    {
-      _M_root() = __x._M_root();
-      _M_leftmost() = __x._M_leftmost();
-      _M_rightmost() = __x._M_rightmost();
-      _M_root()->_M_parent = _M_end();
-      __x._M_root() = 0;
-      __x._M_leftmost() = __x._M_end();
-      __x._M_rightmost() = __x._M_end();
-      this->_M_impl._M_node_count = __x._M_impl._M_node_count;
-      __x._M_impl._M_node_count = 0;
-    }
+    { _M_impl._M_move_data(__x._M_impl); }

This function could be moved into the class body, or just have
'inline' added to its definition.

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