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Re: "big" integer constants

Sorry this took so long. I got busy, then the holidays...

I just changed some big numbers to std::numeric_limits<std::tr1::uint16_t>::max().
No new testcases. Everything works.
There may have been things beyond the range of the test cases I was trying to capture but I'm not going to work on that right now.
I'm not super happy with the patch. First, I'm not at all sure we can safely assume _GLIBCXX_USE_C99_STDINT_TR1 is always defined here, because otherwise the <cstdint> boils down to nothing and your patch doesn't work. Please double check.

Besides these boring configury issues, I don't like the idea of using the max of uint16_t for an unsigned int variable. Maybe it happens to work on the actual targets supported now, but why not using directly an uint16_t variable? In any case, if uint16_t isn't actually available per the above issue, n or m > n instances of it are equally wrong ;)


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