libstdc++ archive
subject index for June, 2011

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<iostream> badly broken?!?

Re: [build] Move unwinder to toplevel libgcc

Re: [Mingw-w64-public] Windows/MinGW extension: opening std::fstream with a wstring/wchar_t*

[PATCH] parallelize gcc, gfortran and libstdc++ testing some more

[v2] Mark noexcept some destructors, add tests

[v3] Add newlib specific

[v3] adjust allocator_traits testcase

[v3] adjust tests to work in c++0x mode

[v3] Avoid -Wall warnings in the testsuite

[v3] Avoid including the whole <limits> in a couple of places + small fix to std::duration_values

[v3] Fix two typos in <type_traits>

[v3] fix typos in ptr_traits.h and specialize for pointer adapter

[v3] improve allocator_traits test

[v3] libstdc++/49293

[v3] pb_ds docbook

[v3] pb_ds doxygen

[v3] Remove tuple<_Tp> spec (and add wa for c++/48322

[v3] Small tweak to std::move_if_noexcept

[v3] test uses_allocator for promise and packaged_task

[v3] update testsuite allocators to C++0x allocator API

[v3] Use move_if_noexcept in std::vector

[v3] Use noexcept in <functional> and tempbuf

[v3] Use noexcept in array swap

[v3] Use noexcept in container' move constructors, etc

[v3] use noexcept in pointer_traits

[v3] Use noexcept in the allocators


cleanup patch

debug shrink_to_fit

I need help with unconfirmed 49269: is there a workaround?

lambda support regression ?

Ping: [Patch] Make libstdc++'s abi_check more robust against readelf output format

Question about complexity of map constructor

RFC: __gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits extension

Windows/MinGW extension: opening std::fstream with a wstring/wchar_t*

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