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Re: forward list patch

Just some other points and I will let you report it to the LWG people.

You said that swap is expected to behave in constant time and I agree. But I think people are also expecting the swap operation not to invalidate any iterator. AFAIK this assertion is correct for all containers, why would it be different for the forward_list ? The only valid proposition would be to have the before begin iterator swapped like the other iterators which will impact normal implementation.

On 10/27/2010 03:15 AM, Paolo Carlini wrote:
If the standard says it can be invalidated it depends on the
implementation details whether it is or it is not and portable code
certainly cannot rely on it to be valid. I agree that harmonizing the
implementation defined behavior of normal-mode and debug-mode is in
general a good idea, but if that means adding a lot of slow, and ad-hoc,
and cryptic code, I become very very nervous.
Have you taken a look to current _Safe_sequence _M_swap implementation ? Here it is:

  _M_swap(_Safe_sequence_base& __x)
    __gnu_cxx::__scoped_lock sentry(_M_get_mutex());
    swap(_M_iterators, __x._M_iterators);
    swap(_M_const_iterators, __x._M_const_iterators);
    swap(_M_version, __x._M_version);
    _Safe_iterator_base* __iter;
    for (__iter = _M_iterators; __iter; __iter = __iter->_M_next)
      __iter->_M_sequence = this;
    for (__iter = __x._M_iterators; __iter; __iter = __iter->_M_next)
      __iter->_M_sequence = &__x;
    for (__iter = _M_const_iterators; __iter; __iter = __iter->_M_next)
      __iter->_M_sequence = this;
    for (__iter = __x._M_const_iterators; __iter; __iter = __iter->_M_next)
      __iter->_M_sequence = &__x;

You see, there are already 4 for loops to swap sequence reference on each safe iterator, not really a constant operation as long you have safe iterators pointing to the sequence when the swap operation takes place. Even if my forward_list _M_swap proposition looks awful it is not very far from this version. If there is no before begin iterator when the swap operation takes place then there will be only a couple of additionnal pointer comparisons compared to this version.

Now I will keep on working on the contention enhancement patch avoiding tests regarding before begin ownership.

Bests regards

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