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Re: regenerating doc/html

> Including 'svn rm' on old files and 'svn add' on new ones?

> e.g. bk01pt05ch13s05.html and fundamental_types.html are no longer
> generated, but there are lots of new files such as
> bk01pt03ch18s05.html and atomics.html

Yeah. Your check in looks fine to me.
> >> but there are quite a lot of changes that I wasn't
> >> expecting. Is that because it hasn't been done recently, or do I
> >> have the wrong docbook stylesheet, or something else?
> >
> > It hasn't been done super-recently. Feel free to do so, and if I
> > notice anything odd I'll let you know.
> OK thanks, I was a bit surprised at the extent of changes so thought I
> should check.

You see a lot of changes because the id's change for sections of

This results in diffs that look huge, but really just boil down to
things like this in html/faq.html:


!     </p></div></div><hr /></div><div class="qandaset"
title="Frequently Asked Questions"><a id="id621954">


!     </p></div></div><hr /></div><div class="qandaset"
title="Frequently Asked Questions"><a id="id568228">

This is similar to other generated files, like Makefile/configure.


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