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Re: unsafe STL patch

On 02/05/2010 06:34 AM, François Dumont wrote:   
>> I don't, but the above cannot work without an appropriate typedef in
>> __iter_base, like (only lightly tested):
> Yes, I had added one on my side. I had to change _Safe_Iterator
> _Base_iterator nested typedef in interator_type for consistency with
> other iterator wrapping type that are targetted by the __iter_base
> struct.
Great, but, for the record, I don't understand the <had>: before or
after my reply? Because with that change everything works fine as far as
I can see, and I don't understand why you asked for help?!?

Anyway, make sure to send as soon as possible the questionnaire and then
returning back the forms and we can actually start on this, I suppose
after 4.5.0 at this point.


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