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Re: Formatting, tabs vs spaces.

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Chris Fairles <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 8:33 AM, Rodolfo Lima <> wrote:
>> Paolo Carlini escreveu:
>>> To be clear: I didn't mean to suggest *changing* tools, only considering
>>> Emacs as a reference for configuring the others. For better and worse, it's
>>> the reference for the GNU projects, nobody knowing a bit of computer science
>>> history can seriously disagree.
>> Yes, I know you didn't mean it because it wouldn't make sense, but I
>> couldn't resist replying, sorry ;) Enough of flame wars.
>> Regards,
>> rod
> I figured it out (I think). In emacs, hitting the tab key is like
> invoking an "indent" function and not "insert a tab char here". This
> magic function figures out the proper indent based on the context of
> the code I guess. Vim does not do this by default, hitting the tab key
> literally inserts the tab char and it will display according to
> whatever "shiftwidth" (c-basic-offset equivalent) is set to (default 8
> in both editors). However, vim has an option, "softtabwidth" that,
> when set to 2, does what emacs does. Hitting tab "indents" by 2, but
> whats saved to the file is
> So it looks like setting softtabwidth to 2 is the magic required for
> vim to mimic the behavior of emacs. It will insert "mod 8" tab chars
> and pad the rest with spaces. Note that expandtab is not required and
> will actually cause improper formatting by inserting 8 spaces when you
> hit tab instead of the tab char. Even though the result will look the
> same, it will not insert a literal tab char which is what emacs does.
> See:
> Chris

Sorry, I mean, it will insert as many tab chars as required (i.e.
floor(indent / 8)) and pad with mod 8 spaces.


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