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Re: [PATCH][libstdc++-v3 parallel mode] Make settings getter return non-const object


This patch makes the getter method for the parallel mode settings structure return a non-const object, so it can be directly modified, which is much more convenient for the library user.

I see where you are coming from, if one is trying to use the get() function to construct a modified _Settings object.

Like so:

using namespace __gnu_parallel;
_Settings s = const_cast<_Settings>(_Settings::get());
s.something = somenewthing;

This is what you are trying to avoid, hmmm?

Exactly. The user might want to change an option without modifying the other settings, possibly changed in another part of the program.
Many of the settings are quite "local" to specific functions, you rarely want to change a major part of the values at the same time.

We don't need the const_cast in this snippet, though, do we?
On the other hand, you could use const_cast to "break in".

My thought was that this would be used more like:

_Settings s;
s.something = somenewthing;

See the updated documentation that was just checked in as part of

So, the question is, does this make sense?

See above. Anyway, it's usually three lines instead of one.

I do believe that there are solid codegen reasons for having the get()
member return a const object, implying all the object members are const.
By doing it this way, all the tuning information is constant at the
site of use... this should allow the optimizers to elide the jump from
get() and propagate the const configuration data. So, just like a
macro! (?)

But the compiler should be able to tell that the value is *not* changed at that specific place, and to do the same optimizations. We could even have two get() variants. A const one and a non-const one.

If the long-term goal is to force some of the parallelization
heuristics into the compiler proper, (what I'm assuming), then doesn't
this stuff have to be const at some point?

You mean that the user cannot change it at all?

That may depend on IPA for C++ that is still not quite there yet. So,
perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself...

AFAIK this does not change library binary compatibility, does it?

Nope. It only changes the const qualification of the return type, which is not part of the mangled name. So, it's definitely safe to do this.

Good. So the question is still open. I see that there some argument for having it const, some against it. Before changing it back, we should really have discussed this point well, so I try to subsume the arguments at the moment:

_Settings::get() returns a const reference instead of a (modifiable) reference to the singleton object.

-Changing the values can be forbidden to the user.
-Compiler can possibly better optimize read access.
-Possibility of having (p)thread-local settings (not the cleanest approach).

-More complicated for the user to modify settings.
-A lot of copying a (considerably large and growing) structure around when modifying settings.

Possible compromises:
-Having a const getter and a non-const getter.

More comments (by others)?

-- Johannes

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