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Re: template constructor overload problems

Pedro LamarÃo:


template <typename Element>
struct tuple {

tuple () { }

  template <typename UElements>
  tuple (UElements&& elements)
  { static_assert(!sizeof(UElements), "first constructor"); }

  template <typename UElements>
  tuple (tuple<UElements>&& foo)
  { static_assert(!sizeof(UElements), "second constructor"); }


main (int argc, char* argv[]) {

  tuple<int> f1;
  tuple<unsigned> f2(f1);

  return 0;

mainline currently gives me this error:

../src/main.cpp: In constructor âtuple<Element>::tuple(UElements&&) [with UElements = tuple<int>&, Element = unsigned int]â:
../src/main.cpp:21: instantiated from here
../src/main.cpp:9: error: static assertion failed: "first constructor"

If I take the first constructor out, I get "second constructor" in the error, so both constructors are actually entering the overload set.

Is this behaviour correct?

It seems correct to me. The first UElements is deduced from the lvalue f1 as tuple<int>&, giving the following overload set:

tuple( tuple<int>& elements );
tuple( tuple<int>&& foo );

with the first constructor being a better match for the lvalue.

You need to add

template <typename UElements>
   tuple (tuple<UElements>& foo)
   { static_assert(!sizeof(UElements), "third constructor"); }

to handle this case (although it seems to me that a test with tuple<tuple<X>> might still fail).

If the compiler is picking the correct constructor, isn't this a design error in the tuple specification?

It's quite possible that there is. In my opinion, the constructor should take the elements by value:

explicit tuple(_Elements... __elements);

and then use std::move to move __elements into place.

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