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Re: The __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add causes SIGSEGV

> By the way,
> when I compiled the applications on RHEL3 and ran it on RHEL4
> (x86_64), everything is fine and I found out that in RHEL3, it uses
> the libstdc+ +.5.0.7 and in RHEL4 (x86_64), it uses the
> libstdc++6.0.3. Do you have any suggestions which libstdc++ version
> to use or which compilation flag to apply? In my applications, it
> does a very simple thing, which consists of std::string assign.

It's hard to answer your question with just the current information. I
suggest filing a bug in gcc bugzilla, with enough information so that I
can reproduce your failure myself, on my hardware.

Certainly, RHEL3 compiled applications should work without modification
on RHEL4. And RHEL4 compiler applications should work on RHEL4. 


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