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Re: [Patch] DR 438

On Apr 27, 2007, at 3:59 PM, Paolo Carlini wrote:

I noticed only today for the first time that the implementation is allowed to do better than recognizing integers... (well, if ever possible, I would suggest not spending too much time reasoning about those issues in the context of C++03 DRs, concepts will chaneg everything here, right?)

<nod> :-) Actually you can do a lot better than is_integral today. The code that inspired the issue had is_input_iterator which keyed on whether the type had a nested iterator_category which is convertible to std::input_iterator_tag (not 100% foolproof, but I think it is correct to 99.9999%). And then the dispatching was done with enable_if on the user-level member templates, instead of dispatching internally after binding to the user-level member templates (much like concepts will do). So implicit conversions on both f and l are "more correct" (with the concept model). We might have to get explicit conversion operators to actually tell the difference (already blessed by EWG).


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